Carlow Cricket Club was established in 1834 and is one of the oldest cricket clubs outside of Dublin. The arrival of a range of international communities to Carlow has been credited with its revival in 2011 and the club is now proud to have members of all ages from the Irish Eastern European, Australian, Asian and Rohingya communities.
- Role of Chairperson
- Role of Club Secretary
- Role of Treasurer
- Role of Registrar
- Role of Children’s Officer
- Role of Diversity and Inclusion Officer
- Role of Captain & Vice Captain
- Role of Selection Committee
- Child Safeguarding Statement
- Risk Management Plan
- GDPR Privacy Policy
- Sponsorship policy
- Code of Conduct
- Adult Disciplinary Procedure
- Juvenile Disciplinary Procedure
- Contact details for state agencies and CCC officers regarding child safeguarding
1. Club Chairperson’s role
- Provide leadership and management in the Club
- Hold effective Club meetings
- Uphold the Club constitution
- Plan ahead for the Club
- Delegate tasks to Club members
- Ensure disciplinary issues are dealt with appropriately and in a timely fashion
- The chairperson must endeavour to ensure all committee and club members adheres to the club code of conduct and all Cricket Leinster and Cricket Ireland policies.
2. Club Secretary’s Role is:
- Call committee meetings
- Keeping minutes of committee meeting and distributing them to committee members
- Liaising with Carlow College regarding the cricket grounds and facilities
- Promoting the club and supporting the Chairperson where necessary
- Where disciplinary issues arise the club secretary must ensure the disciplinary group reports to the committee in a timely fashion
- The club secretary must endeavour to ensure all committee and club members adheres to the club code of conduct and all Cricket Leinster and Cricket Ireland policies.
3. Club Treasurer’ Role is:
- Responsibility for the safe-keeping of the funds of the club
- Responsible for recording all income and expenditure and for reporting on the financial position to the committee on an ongoing basis
- Provide the club with ample warning should funds be dwindling
- Prepare an annual financial budget for the club
- Prepare an annual financial statement at the AGM including income, expenditure, current bank balances, lists of accruals and payments, debts and details of any bank loans (if applicable)
- Take responsibility for proposing a sponsorship policy annually and once signed off by the committee oversee the implementation of same
- Approval for any expenditure completed by the Treasurer or any others should be provided by the committee.
4. Club Registrar’s role and responsibilities
- Maintain a register of membership details for all club members ( e.g. fees paid, registration forms, Code of Conduct form).
- Collection of membership fees/training fees.
- Forward Membership database to Team Selection Committee/Treasurer/Secretary.
- Liaise with Club Committee regarding issues relating to membership.
5. Club Children’s Officer’s role and responsibilities
- To promote awareness of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Young Players within the club among young players, parents and mentors
- To influence policy and practice within the club in order to prioritise young player’s needs
- To ensure all mentors are aware of practices within the Code i.e. Anti‐bullying Policy, Travel Permission Forms etc.
- To encourage the involvement of parents/ guardians in club activities
- To act as an advisory resource to mentors on best practice
- To liaise with the female mentors assigned to teams
- To ensure that players know how to make concerns known to appropriate adults and agencies
- To deal with any complaints or suspected child abuse according to the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Young Players
- To report regularly to the Club Executive Committee
- To monitor changes in membership – follow up any unusual dropout, absenteeism or club transfers by young players or mentors
- To attend seminars in relation to the Code at local and national level
- To keep a record of all coaches vetting and safeguarding training
- To ensure the child safeguarding statement is reviewed annually and is familiar to all members of the club.
6. Role of Diversity and Inclusion Officer
- promote diversity initiatives and share best practice
- provide advice, guidance and support on equality and diversity issues
- assess club needs and promote community cohesion
- develop systems for reporting any incidents of discrimination
- liaise with community groups and other relevant organisations
- maintain an up-to-date knowledge of anti-discriminatory legislation
- translate equality legislation into practice to ensure the club meet statutory requirements.
7. Captain’s role and responsibilities
- Inform players of their responsibility to play cricket according to the Spirit and Laws of Cricket.
- Ensure their team plays cricket in accordance with the Spirit of Cricket, as well as the Law of Cricket.
- Participation in Team Selection Committee.
- Liaise with Club Committee on issues relating to matches and their team.
- Work with team Vice Captain in pursuit of team objectives.
- Hold team management meetings with all Carlow CC captains/vice captains/players on a monthly basis throughout the playing season.
- Be aware of the Child Protection Policy/Child Safeguarding Statement/Health and Safety and implement these policies.
- Carry laminated copy of the Club’s Code of Conduct in kit bag to matches, for reference.
- Management of budget for teas for home matches
- Be responsible for match balls supplied by Club Committee for matches to be played during season.
Match management including:
- Communication with teammates/umpires/scorers/opposing captains in keeping with the Spirit of Cricket.
- Completion of match team sheets prior to match commencement in accordance with player registration with Cricket Leinster.
- Determining batting order/bowling order/fielding positions/match strategy.
- Completion of scoresheets in accordance with Spirit and Law of Cricket and match regulations.
- Uploading scoresheets to Cricket Leinster.
- Report any breach of Spirit of Cricket by any team player to umpires and to Club Committee.
- Captain may delegate various above mentioned duties to vice-captain.
Vice – Captain’s role and responsibilities
- Support the captain in their role.
- Step up to role in absence of captain.
8. Selection Committee role and responsibilities:
1st team captain
2nd team captain
Senior Player Representative
On a monthly basis
- Select 1st team, nominate 1st team starrings and the eligible non-starred player who can play 2nd team.
- Select (in order of preference) reserve batsmen and bowlers and keeper from 2nd team who can fill in for 1st team as needed
- Select 2nd team.
- Select reserve batsmen and bowlers and keeper from Development team who can fill in for 2nd team.
Criteria for player selection:
Club registration, membership fees paid and form submitted, code of conduct signed, Cricket Leinster registration (correct category and registered).
Any player must only be selected at or above level of known ability. (Known strong players cannot be selected for teams in leagues below their ability).
Note: New players to the club will begin in lower ranked teams, unless doing so would breach the abovementioned requirement.
Other criteria for selection consideration:
On field cricketing ability
Participation in the life of the club
Attendance at training.
Individual Committee member’s roles:
Inform team players of their selection and/or reserve status
Inform Cricket Leinster of starrings list.
9. Child Safeguarding Statement
Carlow Cricket Club in accordance with Cricket Ireland and Cricket Leinster Code of Behaviour (Underage) and our legislative requirements have agreed this Child Safeguarding Statement which is binding on all members and units of our Club.
The basic aims of the Club include fostering and developing Cricket and the spirit of cricket and sport in general among young people and children.
These games and related activities are organised and promoted by dedicated volunteers at Club, County, Provincial and National levels with the cooperation and support of an equally dedicated cohort of staff all of whom are committed to the safeguarding of children in our Club as we seek to create a safe environment for young people in which to grow and develop.
We have completed an assessment of the potential for harm to children when they are participating in our games and attending our activities under the following headings: Club and Coaching Practices; Complaints & Discipline; Reporting Procedures; Use of Facilities; Recruitment; Communications and a further heading of General Risk of Harm.
In addition to our Risk Assessment document described above, the following procedures support our intention to safeguard children availing of our services:
Code of Behaviour (Underage) which includes
- Recruitment policy for those working with children
- Child safeguarding training requirements
- Anti-Bullying statement
- Social Media policy
- Guidance for Dealing and Reporting Allegations or Concerns of Abuse by staff or volunteers
- Appointing Designated Liaison Persons at Club, County and national levels
- Appointing Children’s Officers at Club, County and national levels who shall be the Association’s relevant persons or first point of contact in respect of this statement
- Covid 19 pandemic national public health safety protocols
We are committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures contained therein that outline our intentions to keep children safe from harm.
Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been prepared in accordance with the legislature requirements contained in the Children First Act 2015 and the Children (NI) Order 1995 and as required by our Association rules and will be reviewed annually.
10. CCC Child Safeguarding Risk Management Plan
What is safeguarding? Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. While protecting children from abuse is one part of safeguarding, children and young people also need safeguarding in order for them to grow, develop and achieve their full potential. Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. While protecting children from abuse is one part of safeguarding, children and young people also need safeguarding in order for them to grow, develop and achieve their full potential. Carlow Cricket Club Safeguarding statement is devised in accordance with: |
- Name of service being provided: Carlow Cricket Club, C/O St. Patrick’s College, Carlow.
- Nature of service and principles to safeguard children from harm
Carlow Cricket Club is a sporting organisation that provides cricket training and facilitates away and home matches for children and young people (from aged 4 up).
We at Carlow Cricket Club are committed to good practice which protects children from harm. Staff and volunteers accept and recognise their responsibility to provide an environment which promotes the safety of the child at all times. To achieve this we will:
- Develop an awareness of the issues which may lead to children being harmed.
- Create an open environment by identifying a Club Children’s Officer to whom children and parents can turn to if they have any concerns regarding the Club.
- Adopt child-centred and democratic coaching styles.
- Ensure good and safe playing practices.
- Adopt safeguarding guidelines through Codes of Conduct for members and all adults working at the club. Adult workers include coaches, parents and volunteers.
- Ensure careful selection and vetting procedures of coaches.
- Ensure complaints, grievance and disciplinary procedures are adopted and implemented in accordance with the Cricket Leinster national policies.
- Share information about concerns with children and parents and others who need to know.
- Provide information as required to the management committee.
- Keep Safeguarding Policies under regular review (every three years minimum).
- Implement and be aware of our procedures relating specifically to bullying, away trips, transport and use of photography that are set out in the Cricket Leinster national policies.
- Have an information document available for parents, coaches and children clearly outlining their rights and responsibilities.
- Risk Assessment
We have carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of our services. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures for managing these risks.
Risk identified | Procedure in place to manage identified risk | |
1 | Transporting children to matches | No child is to be given a lift on their own. Parents must be aware if a coach is bring their child to a match and there must be at least two other children in the car. |
2 | Being injured during training or a match that requires first aid or hospitalisation | Have at least one first aid trained person at each match/training session. Have a first aid box available at all times. If a child needs a doctor or hospital, firstly enquire if the parent can transport the child. Where this is not possible, get the parents consent by phone and ensure two people bring the child. |
3 | Appropriateness of coaches | All coaches will be carefully selected and must be Garda vetted and be of good character. All coaches must be approved by the committee. |
4 | Changing and toilet facilities | No adult can accompany a child to the toilet or be present on their own in the changing rooms when children are getting dressed. If children need to be supervised two coaches must be present. |
5 | Need for training and awareness of coaches of safeguarding practices | All coaches will be briefed annually by the children’s officer of best practice in relation to safeguarding children and young people. All coaches to complete safeguarding training and foundation coaching training. |
6 | Need for training and awareness of national Covid 19 pandemic public health safety protocols | The club to appoint a Covid 19 officer and ensure they attend the relevant training to support the position. All coaches to complete Covid 19 training. All coaches will be briefed by the Covid 19 officer of national health and safety protocols in relation to adherence to public health guidelines. All coaches to complete Covid 19 training. |
- Procedures
Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), and TUSLA’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice. In addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment, the following procedures support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our service:
- Carlow Cricket Club Code of Conduct
- Procedure for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct against workers/volunteers of a child availing of our service;
- Procedure for the safe recruitment and selection of workers and volunteers to work with children;
- Procedure for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm;
- Procedure for the reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Tusla;
- Procedure for maintaining a list of the persons (if any) in the relevant service who are mandated persons;
- Procedure for appointing a relevant person.
All procedures listed are available upon request.
5. Implementation
We recognise that implementation is an on-going process. Our Club is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our Club.
This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed in January 2022 or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.
For queries, please contact Lorraine O’ Brien Children’s Officer 086 0202855 or Ben Parmeter Designated Liaison Person (DLP), Relevant Person under the Children First Act 2015 or contact us through our website.
Relevant person
Defined in the Children First Act 2015 as a person who is appointed by a provider of a relevant service to be the first point of contact in respect of the provider’s Child Safeguarding Statement.
State Agency and CCC officer contact details regarding child safeguarding concerns:
Tusla Child and Family Agency, Carlow. Ph: 056 7784642
Carlow Gardai. Ph: 059 9136620
CCC Children’s Officer. Ph: 0860202855
CCC DLP Officer. Ph: (contact Children’s Officer for contact details)
11. GDPR Privacy Policy
The website / social media page is maintained by the governing committee on behalf of Carlow Cricket Club for the purposes of data protection legislation, the Registration Officer is the data controller.
We are committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1988 up to 24 May 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on and from 25 May 2018 (Data Protection Legislation). This policy explains how the information we collect about you is used and kept securely. It also explains your privacy choices when using our website as well as your right to access your information under Data Protection Legislation.
It is important that every club makes an inventory of the personal data that it holds and examines it under the following headings:
- Why is it being held?
- How was it obtained?
- Why was it originally gathered?
- How long is it being retained for?
- How secure is it?
- Is it shared with any third parties?
The information we collect about you
We may collect the following information about you through our membership process and our social media / website:
- Your name, email address, postal address and any other information you voluntarily provide to us via our online and hardcopy forms for the purpose of registering you as a member of our club and / or entering you in an event / competition that you have chosen to participate in.
The information provided to us
We may be provided with information about you from bodies which you are registered. That information may include: name, date of birth, gender, email address, postal address, telephone numbers and any coaching qualifications or officiating licences that you hold (Cricket Data).
How we use your information
We may use your personal information for a number of purposes, including:
- To process and manage your membership.
- To deal with your requests and enquiries.
- To contact you for reasons related to your enquiry.
- To notify you about cricket events.
Our legal basis for processing your information
We will process your Cricket Data on the basis of the following legitimate interests:
- To provide selected external providers with a facility to check and validate data to support administrative processes. For example:
- Transfer of name and date of birth to check membership validation at point of entry to cricket events
- Providing relevant and necessary information via email, text and post to you about the following:
- Changes to rules and regulation
- Updates to advice and guidance relating to specific roles held within this club
- Transactional information relating to club affiliation, representative teams, competition and events, coach and officiating licenses, courses, events and qualifications.
If you become a registered member of Cricket Leinster while with our club we will share your Cricket Data with Cricket Leinster to facilitate your membership and as part of the administration of your involvements in the sport.
We will share only what is needed for those purposes and, where possible, will anonymise the data before sharing. If we would like to share your information for any other purpose we will ask for your consent.
When we collect information from you, we will tell you if we would like to send you information about our products and services. We will give you the opportunity to opt in to any such communications and will tell you how you can opt-out at any time.
If we wish to share your data with third parties for marketing purposes, we will tell you about this and only to do so if we get your consent. You can opt-out at any time by notifying us.
The club may also share your personal information with An Gardai Siochana and other Statutory Agencies for the purposes of crime prevention, crime detection or the safety of our members. This is done on a strictly case by case basis and through a tightly controlled process to ensure we comply with Data Protection Legislation.
Protecting your information
We will not transfer your data outside of the European Economic Area. By submitting your personal data, you agree to us storing and processing it. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. The internet is not generally a secure medium for communication and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of any information you send to us over the internet.
Finding out what information this club holds about you
Under the Data Protection Legislation, you can ask to see any personal information that we hold about you. Such requests are called subject access requests. If you would like to make a subject access request, please contact your club Data Protection Officer. You will also need to provide two forms of identification, for example, driving licence, utility bill or passport and, if appropriate, any particulars about the source of location of the information you are requesting. Your club has 30 days to respond to your subject access request.
Data Retention
Any data that we collect from you will be deleted in accordance with timescales set out below:
Type of Data | When Deleted |
Name, date of birth, gender, email address, telephone numbers, names of the affiliated clubs that you are a member of and details of any coaching or officiating licences you hold | Three years after an individual has last renewed their membership with the club |
Data on any injuries, medical conditions etc as provided by you to the club | One year or on the receipt of a new club membership form |
Membership forms | Three years |
Vetting data, ID forms and application forms | Four years after the receipt of a vetting application on its expiry |
Competition results | Indefinite as a record of competition results |
Training camp applications | One year or on receipt of a new application |
Text or messaging systems | One year (rolling twelve months) |
Team sheets and training attendance lists | Four years |
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We regularly review our Privacy Policy and updates will appear on this page when necessary. This Privacy Policy was last updated in March 2019.
12. Sponsorship policy
In order to continue to develop the club over the next few years the continued support of the Carlow community is vital. A key element to ensure our Club meets its goals and targets is ensuring that we have a strong relationship with Sponsors from our community. We rely on a small number of very generous local businesses and members in our community for our sponsorship.
Sponsorship plays a vital role in ensuring that our club continues to grow and prosper. The maintenance and development of the Club’s facilities and grounds, coaching and developing our young players and the proper resourcing of our adult teams presents a major challenge to the Club. It would not be possible to continue with this work without the help of our generous Sponsors and the selfless commitment of the volunteers who devote their time, talents and energy in serving our community.
Outlined in a CCC sponsorship pack are the various options available to potential sponsors and the benefits an association with our Club will bring.
13. Code of Conduct
The following is the approved Code of Conduct adopted by Carlow Cricket Club.
The Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its members.
Therefore, the Club endeavours to provide an environment free of any unlawful discrimination. Any player, official or member representing any visiting club or our own club, especially umpires, shall be treated with respect and dignity.
- It is all club members responsibility to familiarises themselves with and adhered to all club policies and procedures; especially the clubs child safeguarding statement and risk management plan.
- Players shall, at all times, address their team-mates on the field of play with positive remarks, in order to promote team spirit. Senior players are reminded of their responsibility to encourage and motivate younger players and set an example of sportsmanlike conduct. Negative and derisory comments have a negative effect on team spirit, and should be avoided at all costs.
- Club members are reminded that they represent the Club at all matches, and are required to behave at all times in a polite and sportsmanlike manner, in line with the Spirit of Cricket. Any improper behavior; including the use of alcohol, illicit drugs or smoking in undesignated areas will result in sanction from the committee.
- The Club applies a strict dress code. Appropriate clothing and equipment must be worn at all times, notably white clothing must be worn at all times on the field of play.
All equipment & clothing must be clean and in a good state of repair. There shall be no excuse for the wearing of inappropriate equipment or clothing.
To ensure the safety of all players, appropriate protective equipment should be worn at all times.
Juniors (under-18s): For their own safety, those who are under the age of 18 are required to wear all appropriate protective equipment when batting or wicket-keeping. This applies at all times during match-play and training, and is not open to debate.
Seniors (18 and over): The Club also strongly recommend that members over the age of 18 wear all appropriate protective equipment at all times. However, this decision ultimately remains with the individual. As a result of this, all Senior Members will be required to sign a waiver absolving the Club of responsibility of any injury that may be sustained, should they refuse to wear appropriate protective equipment at any time.
By signing the code of conduct I hereby agree not to hold Carlow Cricket Club responsible for any physical injury I may sustain, should I choose not to wear appropriate protective equipment at any time.
- Team spirit is an important part of the enjoyment of cricket, which is to be promoted by the committee and team Captain. As such, the Captain is responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket, as well as within the Laws.
Members have a responsibility to oppose and report any discriminatory behaviour, and promote the equality of everyone.
All members are expected to support the Captain, and/or Coach, in any reasonable request they make with regard to setting up the field of play prior to training, or on match-day.
All players are expected to attend the teams allocated training sessions. All players need to practise, and the Club will endeavour to provide suitable facilities, equipment and coaching for all. As such, it will be left up to the team Captain/selection committee to decide whether or not he/she selects players who do not practise on a regular basis. Exceptions to this can be made in extenuating circumstances. If players act outside of the rules, discriminatory action will occur.
- On Match Days, all players shall:
- Arrive at the ground at least 30 minutes ahead of the scheduled start time
- Assist in any setting out of the playing field, where necessary
- Help prepare the Club House for teas & refreshments during games, and take responsibility to help clean up afterwards
- Be properly dressed and ready for pre-match warm-up, organised by team Captain prior to the start of play
- Remain at the venue for the duration of play, until the game has finished, unless given express permission from the team Captain
- Remain on the boundary to support their team-mates, unless given express permission from the team Captain
- When playing at home, players are reminded of their responsibility to provide tea and refreshments for themselves and the visiting team
- When playing away from home, any player availing of a lift from a team-mate is encouraged to offer the driver petrol money (€5.00 per passenger is recommended)
- Any player who is seen to be disrespecting his/her team-mates by ignoring these common-sense requirements, or refuses to perform any reasonable task delegated by the team Captain, and/or Coach, will be reported to the committee, and have an appropriate sanction imposed upon them. Owing to the fact that we are using Carlow College (St. Patrick’s) grounds and facilities, it is of the utmost importance that each player, member and all associated with Carlow Cricket Club, treat these grounds and facilities with the utmost care and respect.
I, the undersigned, have fully read and understand the above Code of Conduct, and by signing this document, agree to abide by this Code of Conduct, to the best of my ability.
14. Adult Disciplinary Procedure
Misconduct by players will result in a warning issued by a coach, selector or club official. If this misconduct is repeated, minor sanctions, such as a time out from a training session will be invoked. If the misconduct continues the player will be asked to leave the training or match. This action is appropriate where a player has continued to offend, does not respond to the instructions of the coach, has wilfully damaged club property or property of visiting clubs or teams or where the player has brought the team or club into disrepute during training sessions, match or other organised events. Examples of such serious behaviour are: striking another player/officer of club, using repeated bad language, bullying or refusal to abide by the Clubs Code of Behaviour. Also inappropriate use of a mobile phone (i.e. taking inappropriate pictures or phone gambling in a dressing room or anywhere else) will be considered a serious offence by Carlow Cricket Club.
Where a serious problem has occurred the coach may refer the incident to the Club Chairperson who will request that the Club Hearings Committee that deal with any internal breaches of the Code of Behaviour reviews the matter. Where the problem is not resolved the actions outlined below may be imposed:
- Issue warning as to future behaviour
- Suspension from training and/or matches.
- Suspension from club teams.
- Suspension from club.
- Expulsion from club.
15. Juvenile Disciplinary Procedure
Misconduct by players will result in a warning issued by a coach, selector or club official. If this misconduct is repeated, minor sanctions, such as a time out from a training session will be invoked. If the misconduct continues the child’s parents will be informed or the coach/mentor may request a parent/guardian to collect their child from training or play. This action is appropriate where a player has continued to offend, does not respond to the instructions of the coach, has wilfully damaged club property or property of visiting clubs or teams or where the player has brought the team or club into disrepute during training sessions, match or other organised events. Examples of such serious behaviour are: striking another player/officer of club, using repeated bad language, bullying or refusal to abide by the Clubs Code of Behaviour. Also inappropriate use of a mobile phone (i.e. taking inappropriate pictures or phone gambling in a dressing room or anywhere else) will be considered a serious offence by Carlow Cricket Club.
Where a serious problem has occurred the coach may refer the incident to the Club Chairperson who will request that the Club Hearings Committee that deal with any internal breaches of the Code of Behaviour reviews the matter. Where the problem is not resolved the actions outlined below may be imposed:
- Issue warning as to future behaviour
- Suspension from training and/or matches.
- Suspension from club teams.
- Suspension from club.
- Expulsion from club.
Carlow Cricket Club policies and procedures were ratified and agreed by CCC committee at a club meeting on the 15/03/2022.